As a matter of principle, everyone ought to submit to authority, may it be state, school, parental, workplace authority etc. When it comes to matters of authority, there is no other way, submission is the golden rule. However, most gifted individuals hold a permanent guilt card for failing to submit to authority. Whether it’s at home, in school, at the workplace etc. they always find themselves rubbing authorities the wrong way. Before we condemn and write them off as arrogant characters and criminals who need counseling, discipline and rehabilitation; it’s prudent to understand why they scorn authority. Perhaps counseling would be necessary but understanding must come first. In an article I wrote a while ago, 'Characteristics of Gifted Individuals' , I mentioned a number of common character traits of gifted individuals. I’ll analyze these traits in depth as we seek to understand why they scorn authority. By doing this, I’m not trying to justify their behavior but instead...
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