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Showing posts from March, 2014

Victor or Victim?

Whose Orders Are You Serving? Whether you’re a victor or a victim in life depends on whose orders you’re serving. God’s Command to Adam and Eve was; Rule and Subdue the Earth. Genesis 1:28. Man’s dominion over the earth posed a threat to Satan’s jurisdiction (earth). So the devil embarked on an operation to secure power and dominion  over his territory ‘earth’. Fall of man as recorded in Genesis chapter three marked the outcome of his operation. Satan Regains Control Over Earth And Man Becomes His Slave Through Sin. Sin found its way into man’s life and out went power and dominion over the earth back into the hands of the enemy. Sin gave birth to evil, suffering, pain and became a tool of enslavement. Christ Restores Man to His Position; To Rule and Subdue the Earth. Jesus Christ through His death and resurrection repossessed power and authority from Satan. He passes this power and authority to man through salvation. He says; "come to me all you who are wear...

Beauty of Resilience

I define resilience as the ability to withstand adversity, storms and challenges that life presents. But resilience comes to life where there are goals, challenges, hope and faith. Life doesn’t just happen; it’s usually a predestined journey with a divine purpose and goals.  Apparently, the highway of life is characterized by heavy presence of destiny/goal hijackers commonly known as challenges. Fortunately, every individual is graced with a pair of two characters; namely Hope and Faith, who are always willing to ride with you. If you allow them on board they come in handy in the face of adversity. Whenever a challenge hijacks you, they give birth to resilience . Now, resilience keeps you firmly focused on your goals. As a matter of fact, focus is both a shield and a weapon that overpowers life’s challenges. No matter how hard life has knocked you, enlist Hope and Faith and witness the beauty of resilience they’ll give you.  Keep focused on your goal

Gathering the Blessing

Deception and Disobedience Attracts a Curse on the Ground Genesis 3:17-19, To Adam he said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded, ‘You must not eat of it,’ “cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life, NIV .” Fear of God Attracts Favor Enoch walked with God for 300 years. A third generation descendant of Enoch; Naoh, becomes the game changer. Genesis 5:28-29, When Lamech had lived 182 years, he had a son. He named him Noah and said, “He will comfort us in the labor and painful toil of our hands caused by the ground the LORD has cursed, NIV .” After the Flood Genesis 8:20-22, Then Noah built an altar to the LORD and, taking some of all the clean animals and clean birds, he sacrificed burnt offerings on it. The LORD smelled the pleasing aroma and said in his heart: “Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil...

Modern Family Dilemma

Modern Setting Breadwinning Every Morning Dad and Mom leave the house and go out on a breadwinning mission. End Month Dad and Mom bring home their pay checks. Pen and paper in hand, its budgeting time. Bills, investments etc. are the agendas. On the first day of the month they both hit the road again and the cycle continues. Housework Don’t even go there. It’s a tug of war. Dad says, “Babe where is my food. Please iron my shirt. Feed the baby. And blah blah blah ….” Mom goes like, “Dude are you for real, do I look like a super machine that works on a 24 hr basis while you do 12?” Dad either walks out of the door enraged and goes out to look for consolation elsewhere or retorts bitterly, “you’re my wife and housework is your duty, didn’t your mama train you? Go get my food and stop complaining.” Mom is now weeping and mutters amid sobs, “but honey we’re both doing the breadwinning don’t you think we should share the housework too.” Dad sinks deeper into t...

Conquering the World

Origin of Man There are various theories, which explain the origin of man. But that's just what they are – theories. Studies based on opinions but mostly driven by one's beliefs.  Theories aside, the truth is God created the universe; He's the author of life. Genesis of Human Races In the book of Genesis we learn that God created man, (male and female). He blessed and commissioned them to multiply and fill the earth. One then wonders, if God created only a single pair of human beings, how come there are about five distinct races in the world?  Genesis gives an account of the earliest events of human life. Chapter one and two records creation of man; defining of man’s purpose; settlement at the Garden of Eden and declaration of rules and regulations. Chapter three picks up with questioning of rules and regulations by Satan; deception of man by Satan; the fall of man; withdrawal of rights of man by God; allotment of punishment and expulsion from the Garden...