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Showing posts from May, 2014

Remember the Foundation

We’re living in dynamic times and things are changing quite fast. If those who lived in yesteryears came back, they would think they’ve discovered life on another planet because of the way things have revolutionized. It would take them a lifetime to understand what is going on.  Life is so fast paced nowadays, before you comprehend the fundamental principle of a trend, a phase is gone and another is midway. But how can we sustain sound judgment when life is moving at jet speed engaging us in full time comprehension occupation? Women on the Rise For instance, we hear of women empowerment all over. Have you ever been curious to find out the facts behind empowerment of Eves? I hope you have; but a good number of people especially women (no offense), jump into the wagon without establishing the objectives of this noble cause. And because they don’t build the cause on its foundation they go to extremes resulting in massive outcry from the male population. Misinformation ab...

Call Jesus

You’re a faithful Christian but your life is troubled so much that people around you doubt your faith. Cry no more! Wipe your tears and read this story –  [One day Jesus said to his disciples, “Let’s go over to the other side of the lake. So they got into a boat and set out. As they sailed, he fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger. The disciples went and woke him, saying, Master, Master, we’re going to drown!” He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. “Where is your faith?” he asked his disciples.] Luke 8:22-25 NIV Back to your story; There is no doubt you’re sailing with Jesus in your life. But your progress is in danger because heavy and crippling problems have being hanging on your life despite your firm and strong beliefs. Everyone goes through a wilderness experience but the intensity varies from one person to another. Yours could be...

Highly Effective Ways to Achieve a Goal

Goals add meaning to life, but setting goals is one thing and realizing them is a different thing altogether. Wonder why some people succeed at everything they set their mind to while you remain stuck in your goals? Consider the following tips ('highly effective ways to achieve a goal') and learn their secret. Write down your goal and the basic requirements for achievement Set aside some time, pick a pen and a notebook and write down your goal. Be specific about it. Next, visualize the process and list down all the requirements needed to execute the goal.  NOTE: Requirements’ list should not be a wish list but rather list of things that are readily available and affordable. Break down the goal into mini-goals The next step is breaking the overall goal into small achievable bits, let’s call them mini-goals. Begin by creating a mental picture of what you want to achieve. Once you’ve the picture, visualize the process and break it down i...

Wake Up from Slumber and Illegalize the Wickedly Lucrative Business of Trading Moral Values

It feels good to lounge in a comfort zone especially when you know the environment out there is hostile, stormy and everything uncomfortable. You close your eyes and pretend all is well forgetting the storm is bound to catch up with you sooner or later. Sadly, that’s what the present society has become.  We all fold our arms hoping things will get better forgetting someone has got to work on them for them to get better. Unfortunately, our lack of responsibility towards maintaining the moral fabric of our society has turned us into a reactive society. We have failed to realize that withdrawing from problems does not prevent them from charging on. We leave problems to balloon until they can’t contain themselves, only to run helter-skelter, burning midnight oil looking for counter solutions when they burst out of control.  For instance, the media is littered with campaigns on contraceptives and STI protection methods. And who is the target of these campaigns? Anyone...