We’re living in dynamic times and things are changing quite fast. If those who lived in yesteryears came back, they would think they’ve discovered life on another planet because of the way things have revolutionized. It would take them a lifetime to understand what is going on. Life is so fast paced nowadays, before you comprehend the fundamental principle of a trend, a phase is gone and another is midway. But how can we sustain sound judgment when life is moving at jet speed engaging us in full time comprehension occupation? Women on the Rise For instance, we hear of women empowerment all over. Have you ever been curious to find out the facts behind empowerment of Eves? I hope you have; but a good number of people especially women (no offense), jump into the wagon without establishing the objectives of this noble cause. And because they don’t build the cause on its foundation they go to extremes resulting in massive outcry from the male population. Misinformation ab...
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