This article is part of a series on Giftedness. Check out the other articles on these links:- Understanding Gifted Individuals – Overview Characteristics of Gifted Individuals Harnessing Potential of Gifted Individuals Challenges of Gifted Individuals: Living With Giftedness Overview While the developed world is advanced in identifying and accommodating gifted persons, these individuals experience much suffering in developing countries as people don’t understand them; their unique traits and reasoning are met with bewilderment and hostility for they are often perceived as misfits. In self-defense and confusion they retreat to their cocoons or settle for average living, which is in constant clash with their true self. As a result their lives are fully packed with relational and developmental challenges. For instance, gifted persons are perfectionists; they see things as they ought to be and when standards are not met they become frustrated. On the opposite extreme, gift...
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