What we fail to realize
(refuse to see) is that by sweeping problems under the carpet, we’re actually
incubating them and when the time is due and they burst forth, results are
usually disastrous.
Herd mentality maims
dreams; it saps purpose out of those it controls. Herd mentality pulls schools
and organizations down; it derails productivity. It’s the greatest enemy to
personal excellence. One thing people need to realize is that the size of a
paycheck can be largely determined by their abilities, decisions/resolutions
and efforts but no one will ever pay you for being cool. I agree, being cool
will give you a feeling of acceptance and belonging and maybe a little *prestige*,
but it all ends there. At the end of the day you bare solely the guilt and
baggage of your actions and inactions.
Congruity is so
enterprising you’ll find him even in the circles of the successful (successful
as defined by the naive eye of the society). But if these successful hosts of congruity
were to open up, you would only hear stories of how unfulfilled they feel. They
ignored the voice of the guide inside of them and instead chose to pursue
success along the paths defined by the mob (society). Now their inactions (the
persistent personal convictions which they ignored) and their actions (as
dictated by the mob) haunt them day and night; fulfillment has become an
elusive dream. The bottom line is, congruity will find you wherever you are, and
as long as you’re craving to impress your peers and feel cool, your willpower
is doomed and so is your life’s purpose.
To overcome herd mentality,
understand that you’re an individual and so you should live for yourself and
not for someone else. Define yourself; know your strengths and weaknesses.
Polish up your strengths and improve on your weaknesses. Visualize your ideal
character and work towards achieving it. Know what you live for; what are your
goals in life? What is your purpose in life? Are you working towards achieving
your goals? Are your goals ethical? It’s important that all your deliberations
and resolutions pass the integrity check because your actions whether good or
bad will somehow find their way back to you. Last but not least, always listen
to your inner voice; and make sure external persuasions are authorized by your
inner man before you follow them.
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