...........The midwife announces, "it's indeed a girl!" Everyone within earshot wears an irresistible smile and hearts warm up to welcome yet another little woman into the world. Her role in the universe is clearly cut out , and she starts training in readiness for her mission as soon as her hands are strong enough to hold something. Her first birthday present is a beautiful doll, which gives her a countenance similar to the one mama had when she(the little girl) checked into the world. She has her first time experience of sacrifice when she shoves aside her plate of food, to take care of the new found love. Today she's training her (the doll) how to sit, tomorrow she is plaiting her hair, the other day she's carrying her on her back soothing her to sleep. Did I forget that mama is now being instructed to serve food for two? Though soon she'll start preparing meals for her child (doll) and doing her laundry as well. As her obsession with do...
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