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Integrating the Non-conforming Genius

For a very good reason, I would like to split the mortals into two major groups; those with very high IQs and those with average IQs. And with the help of research, I’ll draw the cut line at 130. 

Majority of the human population (approximately 98%) have average IQs; they fall under 130. This means that on estimate only a mere 2% would hit the 130 and above mark; these are the guys/gals we normally refer to as gifted or genius. So one would ask, does the Maker discriminate by endowing a few individuals with razor-sharp brains while majority are fitted in with average brains? The answer is no; though deliberate it’s not discriminative. Each group has its privileges and limits. And their privileges and limits are so distinct that each group responds to the world differently.

As indicated, majority of the human population fall under one group and for this reason, world’s systems tend to address issues/needs of the masses. This leaves the unique minority out in the cold with little or no support for their special needs. But it’s a good thing that the majority are empowered because clearly, God’s creation is so vast and enough manpower is needed to take care of it. With 98% up and running, a functional world is guaranteed.
Someone then wonders, where does the 2% fit in?
I fondly refer to them as nature’s gift packs to mankind. Just like any other gift, you can decide to unwrap it and utilize it accordingly or you can ignore it altogether.
Do these gifts have any significance really?
Yes. They’re designed for the purpose of enhancing life; improving life; advancing creation; preventing redundancy; troubleshooting human life and creating solutions to those stubborn issues plaguing humans. You’ve seen how software companies keep on releasing updates and upgrading their products? That’s a close equivalent to the purpose of geniuses in creation.
But all of us should strive to creatively enhance our lives! you say.
Yes we should. But as I noted earlier, each group has its privileges and limits. There is a level of reasoning that the common person cannot hit however much they fire up their brains. And in the same way, there are basic roles a genius cannot fit in however much they persevere. It’s nature; and that’s how it’s supposed to be.
Integrating the non-conforming genius is only possible if we know why, what and who they are. This article risks being blacklisted by modesty champions for flaunting strengths (of a minority group in our society) but if that pays the cost of enlightenment then it’s worth it.
(The Unwavering Intellectual Giant) Geniuses are endowed with deep insight; they’re able to perceive (sense, interpret) what the common person can’t. In addition, they have an acute thirst for knowledge and clear understanding and so they tend to dig into the root cause of issues. All these summed up, we end up with non-conformists who follow procedures only if they’re well founded.
(The Adorable Brainy) The brain of a genius is quite advanced; they perform at very high frequencies as compared to the common person. And a certain pace must be maintained for efficiency and optimal functioning. It’s natural that they respond to the world differently. Expecting a genius to conform to the general way of life or to perceive the world from the same perspective as the common person, is *evil* to say the least. Conforming compromises their efficiency. It creates resistance to their nature/brain/self/who they are. It slows them down automatically. Excess resistance switches them off. Operating at very low frequencies is too much a risk for them; they can easily drift into dummies.
(The Troubled Gem) Apparently, there exists a real conflict between the internal and external worlds of a genius. And many gifted individuals struggle to find balance for their tumultuous lives that feel out of step with the general norms/ naive societal expectations. Their internal world (self) says, 'don’t conform' while the external world (society) says, 'conform'. In the face of this conflict some of them run to drugs for solace. Unfortunately, the elusive highs are only momentary. It’s a futile tug of war.
Enough said. What should we do to ensure we maintain them at high frequencies for optimal efficiency? 
By firing up their brains and keeping them active. 
Engage them in intellectually stimulating activities that will send every fiber of their brain into action mode. This should take a few years, and you can be sure by the time they’re done with their basic education, they’ll have identified their niche and ready to execute their ‘life upgrade’ mandate.
Finally, we need to appreciate that as long as their heads play host to razor-sharp brains, they’ll always respond to the world differently. Hence prudence dictates that we forbear with one another. It’s the way of nature.


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