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This is rEaLIty

Can you pronounce the weird looking word on the post’s title? Is there any difference in meaning between the word ‘reality’ or ‘REALITY’ and 'rEaLIty'? Why does the word look weird?
What should someone do when they come across such a word in a piece of writing? Omit the word and try to comprehend the meaning of the rest of the sentence? Or read it anyway, despite the asynchrony? For instance, assuming a reader decides to omit the word, the title will read, ‘this is’ and if the same reader decides to overlook the error, the title will read, ‘This is Reality’. Do you realize the significance of each decision?
Apparently, this is how gifted individuals (GIs) appear in the eyes of the larger society – ‘weird’. And in absolute disregard of reality, they’re coldly shoved aside like some pieces of complex puzzles.
Hey folks! embrace and celebrate uniqueness. However the amount of jitters they give you thanks to their monstrous strengths or despite how much they irritate you with their ocean deep weaknesses; that is them and they’re real, embrace them. Probably they get surprised as much as you do; it’s beyond them.
Is it really their fault or choice? No, they’re created that way.
The asynchronous word on the title didn’t have the power to resist from being written the way it’s written. In the same way, GIs have no say in their creation. Introspectively, I wrote the word erroneously for a purpose; to highlight the challenge facing a few innocent hosts of giftedness in our society and probably crack a solution to end their dilemma. Certainly, GIs are created that way for a purpose; and that purpose cannot be discovered or even fulfilled until they’re accommodated and nurtured, their weirdness notwithstanding.
For many years, sectors of society – from families to education systems to work environments have continued to overlook giftedness. We’re stuck with pieces of writing that don’t make sense because we loathe being bogged down with weird and complex stuff. We really don’t have the time to accord proper attention to complicated characters that have obviously diverted from the norm. What we fail to realize is that by marginalizing GIs and turning a blind eye to their special needs however their small number, we compromise on the health of the entire society. [Some of the present interventions are equivalent to crumbs; attention-wise, *GIs are too famished to be satisfied by the ordinary serving of cake leave alone crumbs*. Their unique needs call for tons of attention, which should be availed if we’re to derive any meaningful value from them.]
First and foremost GIs require attentive nurturing. They need understanding guide(s) to help them in managing their strengths and weaknesses and the resultant challenges. In so doing, the GI is able to bring their intense personality under control and find their identity. Once they discover their identity, the next step involves harnessing their potential; this is where right platforms and channels are identified for cultivation of their abilities. These are the two key steps in harnessing and nurturing giftedness.
Where we’ve failed as a society is by assuming that the already existing systems can cater for all and sundry. Those who’re unable to fit in are thereby perceived as rejects; normally, they’re ignored and left to languish in their disabilities. However, the reality is giftedness cannot be optimized in the ordinary systems and most GIs cannot lead normal/fulfilling lives without special intervention. Ability is a living component in a person and cultivating it is equivalent to drawing breath in and out. This means that failing to channel-out ability deprives it life; eventually, it becomes rusty. That’s why it’s common to find GIs who would easily pass for dummies; they’ve not only grown weary from bracing opposing currents but their abilities have turned rusty for lack of optimization.
It’s a shame that a 21stcentury community has the leisure of dodging reality and thus has continued to deprive a minority group (GIs) the much needed empowerment  to enable them actualize themselves as well as participate actively in nation building. For how long should we continue shuddering at reality? How large is our carpet that we continue sweeping special needs of some differently-abled members of our society under it year in, year out? 

Further, I plead that we stop screaming at these poor lads and ladies with demands like ‘you need to grow up’, ‘snap back to reality’…..blah blah. It’s common knowledge that every child dreams of adulthood; if someone appears like he/she has been rejected by adulthood, then no amount of tongue-lashing can do otherwise. That’s the reality we all need to embrace and then use the right procedures to help them attain balanced development.   
Let’s appreciate giftedness. There is nothing prestigious about being gifted, if anything the baggage that comes with it is unbelievably crippling. Families should understand and support the GIs among them. Governments should speed up education systems’ reforms to address special needs of all learners. Work environments should not only accommodate gifted employees but should prioritize ability vs. role matching in employee recruitment and placement so as to optimize their abilities. Professionals should introduce giftedness counseling to create awareness as well as counsel and guide GIs.
Giftedness in our society is real and the problems faced by GIs presently are dire. Let us all give them a chance to be themselves and to thrive.


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