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Importance of Introducing Personal Finance To 5 Year Olds

I would have loved to fly with a headline like ‘Instilling Positive Work Ethics In 5 Year Olds’, but I was afraid millennials and generation Zs will shrug the post off, screaming ‘child labor!' Thus the more subtle title 'Importance of Introducing Personal Finance To 5 Year Olds'. Actually, the two concepts are like a single coin, I have simply favored one side over the other. Now that my post has escaped the trash bin and I got the attention of fellow millennials and our younger siblings, let me address the entire public. My name (Wawira – someone who works) has kinda haunted me my entire life. Work has its way with me. It has this powerful force that keeps pulling me towards it. So I don’t recall when I started working.  But I remember in traces when I was still very young, I used to bite off more than I could chew quite often, which always resulted in frustration. Nevertheless, I never enjoyed resting until I completed what I FELT needed to be done. While growi...
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